Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Flying Tree Farmer Intro....


It all started in the 60's when i showed up on the planet. As a kid I did all the usual things for a boy. Tonka toys, lego, bicycles, snowmobiles, motorcycles.... girls.

I always liked trees alot. I ended up taking over the family nursery after being somewhat educated and socialized at University of Guelph. Many years of growing and usually selling trees ensued. Then in 2003 the emerald ash borer came to dine on my business. The second shoe dropped when markets for trees in the USA disappeared in 2008.

In 2009 I got my first job... Saleperson for Jiffy Products. Now I talk eat and travel across North America. At the same time i visit large and not so large production nurseries and help the people there grow more and better trees. (Yes, i even sell them some stuff to help)

More to follow....